- Go to LibCat Advanced Search:
- In the first field, type in the Holding Code for the collection you want to search (see full list below).
- Select “match exact phrase”
- Select within “Holdings Keyword”
- Add any additional search parameters.
- Click "Search" at the bottom.
- Results for your search within that collection will appear below.
Cushing Collection Holding Codes
Location | Holding Code |
American Nativism | cush,nati |
Area Studies/Africana | cush,afri |
Area Studies/Asian | cush,asia |
Area Studies/Hispanic | cush,lati |
Basbanes | cush,basb |
Biblio Mysteries | cush,myst |
Children's | cush,chld |
Colonial Mexican Imprint | cush,mexi |
Dawson French | cush,fren |
Dykes | cush,dyks |
Dykes Dobie | cush,dobi |
Kelsey Americana | cush,kels |
Kelsey Illustrators | cush,keli |
Kincaid/Africa | cush,kafr |
Kincaid/Asia | cush,kasi |
Kincaid/Australia | cush,kaus |
Kincaid/Europe | cush,keur |
Kincaid/Misc. | cush,kaid |
Kincaid/N. America | cush,knam |
Kincaid/S. America | cush,ksam |
Laughlin | cush,laug |
Lit./Arnold [Matthew Arnold Collection] | cush,arno |
Lit./Auden | cush,aude |
Lit./Browning [Robert Browning Collection] | cush,brow |
Lit./Burns | cush,burn |
Lit./Byron | cush,byro |
Lit./Cather | cush,cath |
Lit./Coppard [The A. E. Coppard Collection] | cush,copp |
Lit./Dreiser [The Theodore Dreiser Collection] | cush,drei |
Lit./Faulkner | cush,faul |
Lit./Ford | cush,ford |
Lit./Forster [The E. M. Forster Collection] | cush,fors |
Lit./Fuller | cush,full |
Lit./Gorey [The Edward Gorey Collection] | cush,gore |
Lit./Haggard [H. and Ella Haggard and/or H. Rider Haggard Collections] | cush,hagg |
Lit./James [Sir James Bryce Collection] | cush,jams |
Lit./Kipling [Rudyard Kipling] | cush,kipl |
Lit./Maugham [W. Somerset Maugham Collection] | cush,maug |
Lit./Mitchell | cush,mitc |
Lit./Robinson | cush,robi |
Lit./Sabatini [Rafael Sabatini Collection] | cush,saba |
Lit./Sea | cush,sea |
Lit./Shelley | cush,shel |
Lit./Tennyson [Alfred Tennyson Collection] | cush,tenn |
Lit./Warren | cush,warr |
Lit./Welty [Eudora Welty Collection] | cush,welt |
Lit./Whitman | cush,whit |
Lit./Wodehouse [P. G. Wodehouse Collection] | cush,wode |
Lit/Conrad | cush,conr |
London [Stephen Powys Marks London Collection] | cush,lond |
Lowman | cush,lowm |
Maritime | cush,naut |
Metzger Gun | cush,metz |
Owens [he William A. Owens Papers (multiple collections)] | cush,owen |
Peter Parley to Penrod | cush,parl |
Preservation | cush,cons |
Primeros Libros de las Américas | cush,incu |
Ragan Military | cush,mil |
Rare | cush,rare |
Reference | cush,ref |
Science Fiction | cush,scif |
Serials,SciFi | cush,serl |
Stonestreet | cush,ston |
Texas & The Borderlands | cush,txas |
Texas A&M | cush,tamu |
Texas A&M Press | cush,pres |
Texas A&M Publications | cush,tpub |
Thesis & Diss | cush,tdr |
Thesis & Diss (microform) | cush,tdrm |
W.H. Hudson | cush,huds |
Walker | cush,walk |
Women and Gender Studies | cush,wgs |
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