
  1. Go to LibCat Advanced Search:
  2. In the first field, type in the Holding Code for the collection you want to search (see full list below).
  3. Select “match exact phrase”
  4. Select within “Holdings Keyword”
  5. Add any additional search parameters.
  6. Click "Search" at the bottom.
  7. Results for your search within that collection will appear below.


Cushing Collection Holding Codes



Location Holding Code
American Nativism cush,nati
Area Studies/Africana cush,afri
Area Studies/Asian cush,asia
Area Studies/Hispanic cush,lati
Basbanes cush,basb
Biblio Mysteries cush,myst
Children's cush,chld
Colonial Mexican Imprint cush,mexi
Dawson French cush,fren
Dykes cush,dyks
Dykes Dobie cush,dobi
Kelsey Americana cush,kels
Kelsey Illustrators cush,keli
Kincaid/Africa cush,kafr
Kincaid/Asia cush,kasi
Kincaid/Australia cush,kaus
Kincaid/Europe cush,keur
Kincaid/Misc. cush,kaid
Kincaid/N. America cush,knam
Kincaid/S. America cush,ksam
Laughlin cush,laug
Lit./Arnold [Matthew Arnold Collection] cush,arno
Lit./Auden cush,aude
Lit./Browning [Robert Browning Collection] cush,brow
Lit./Burns cush,burn
Lit./Byron cush,byro
Lit./Cather cush,cath
Lit./Coppard [The A. E. Coppard Collection] cush,copp
Lit./Dreiser [The Theodore Dreiser Collection] cush,drei
Lit./Faulkner cush,faul
Lit./Ford cush,ford
Lit./Forster [The E. M. Forster Collection] cush,fors
Lit./Fuller cush,full
Lit./Gorey [The Edward Gorey Collection] cush,gore
Lit./Haggard [H. and Ella Haggard and/or H. Rider Haggard Collections] cush,hagg
Lit./James [Sir James Bryce Collection] cush,jams
Lit./Kipling [Rudyard Kipling] cush,kipl
Lit./Maugham [W. Somerset Maugham Collection] cush,maug
Lit./Mitchell cush,mitc
Lit./Robinson cush,robi
Lit./Sabatini [Rafael Sabatini Collection] cush,saba
Lit./Sea cush,sea
Lit./Shelley cush,shel
Lit./Tennyson [Alfred Tennyson Collection] cush,tenn
Lit./Warren cush,warr
Lit./Welty [Eudora Welty Collection] cush,welt
Lit./Whitman cush,whit
Lit./Wodehouse [P. G. Wodehouse Collection] cush,wode
Lit/Conrad cush,conr
London [Stephen Powys Marks London Collection] cush,lond
Lowman cush,lowm
Maritime cush,naut
Metzger Gun cush,metz
Owens [he William A. Owens Papers (multiple collections)] cush,owen
Peter Parley to Penrod cush,parl
Preservation cush,cons
Primeros Libros de las Américas cush,incu
Ragan Military cush,mil
Rare cush,rare
Reference cush,ref
Science Fiction cush,scif
Serials,SciFi cush,serl
Stonestreet cush,ston
Texas & The Borderlands cush,txas
Texas A&M cush,tamu
Texas A&M Press cush,pres
Texas A&M Publications cush,tpub
Thesis & Diss cush,tdr
Thesis & Diss (microform) cush,tdrm
W.H. Hudson cush,huds
Walker cush,walk
Women and Gender Studies cush,wgs


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