Create a Course: From the left column, under “Instructor Tools,” choose “Create a new course.” Fill out the form with all the relevant course information (* = required fields). Click on "Create Course." The newly created course will display in your Current Courses list. Add additional courses as needed.
Add Reserve Items to a Course: Click on Course Home on the course to which items should be added. In the left column under "Instructor Course Tools" Choose "Add Reserve items." Choose the type of item. Complete the form with all the relevant item information (* = required fields). Click on "Submit Item." Add additional items for your courses as needed.
Each submitted item creates a request that Media and Reserves staff at the Library Annex will see and process. You will be sent a confirmation email when we have completed your requests.
For additional information about the course reserve process or about course reserve materials housed at the Evans Library Annex, please email
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