Renewal limits depend on your status, the type of item being renewed, and the item's home library. Please see our Checkout Privileges & Loan Periods page for detailed information.
You can renew eligible materials online through your MyLibrary account:
Interlibrary Loan items will also be listed on your MyLibrary record, but must be renewed through your Get It For Me account. To do this click on the listing in MyLibrary to link through to the request in your GIFM account. If the item is renewable there will be a Renew Request button at the top of the page. ILL items may be renewed a maximum of one time, and some cannot be renewed at all. Please note, all ILL renewal requests are provisional, pending approval of the lending institution.
If you do not have an active NetID with which to log in to MyLibrary, or you are not able to renew your books through the MyLibrary interface, you can submit a Renewal Request form, contact us by phone at 979.845.3731 (979.845.7428 for MSL renewal issues), or stop by any Library service desk.
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