Yes. When you register, in the 'Email Address' field, type your email address (a comma) then your cell phone number including area code and the extension for your provider. Leave no spaces!
See example below: (Joe Aggie put his email first, followed by a comma, his cell phone provider is Verizon whose extension is,’t put any dashes in the phone number, just the ten digits)
Extensions for cellular providers can be found Here.
If you already have a Get It For Me account, login to your account, and under 'Tools' on the left panel click 'Change User Information'. In the 'Email Address' field: type your email address (a comma) then your cell phone number including area code and the extension for your provider. Leave no spaces! (see example above). After making this change, click on the 'Submit Information' button.
NOTICE: Charges may be incurred from your cellular provider. Check the terms of your contract for details on charges related to receiving these text messages.
-Please be aware that notifications include more info than will fit on a standard text message. We encourage you to check your regular email message received for additional information if needed.
-TO UNSUBSCRIBE from text service, remove your phone number and extension from your profile completely and click the submit information button. *Remember to leave your email address intact*
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