Interlibrary Loan Items (items strapped with maroon and yellow strap)
Note: You may only request ONE renewal for an Interlibrary Loan Item.
1. You may request a renewal by logging into your Get It For Me account:
Under the 'View' section, click 'Checked Out Items' and click on the transaction number of the request you want to renew.
At the top, left corner of the form, click 'Renew Request' in red. Please renew the item before the due date. A 31 day renewal will automatically granted until we hear otherwise from the lending library. You will receive an email if the renewal is denied by the library, we will notify you via email and let you know the new due date of the loan.
Occasionally, a lending library will not allow renewals. If this is the case “No Renewals” will be noted on the strap on the book. If it does NOT say no renewals there are several ways to request a renewal.
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