Yes; please be sure that you select "Distance Education" as your status in your Get It For Me account.
Distance patrons can receive the same items as a non-distance patrons including books, journals, microtext, media items (such as DVDs, videotapes, CDs, audio books, etc), dissertations/theses and scores. However, we do not send media equipment (ex. Kindles, cameras, video devices, microform readers, etc.) through the mail.
Requested items are shipped to your home address through FedEx with a pre-paid return label that you can use for returning your item. Please be sure to keep your address up-to-date. If you need to change your address, click the "Change User Information" link under the "Tools" section of the Get It For Me menu.
Loan Statuses for Distance Patrons' Requests:
Request Finished: The TAMU Libraries item has been shipped from our campus and will arrive at your address soon.
Checked out to Customer: The Interlibrary Loan item has been shipped to your address and should arrive there shortly.
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