The proxy checkout option allows university faculty and staff to authorize other individuals to check out library materials on their library account. The sponsoring faculty/staff member will receive any notifications (such as recall or overdue notices) and be responsible for the return of all materials checked out by an authorized proxy.
Individuals who may be proxied to faculty or staff are:
Faculty/staff members must have a current University ID card (issued after 2004) and provide written authorization to set up proxy access to their library account. The faculty/staff member may bring the authorization form/letter to the main service desk at the Evans Library, have someone else deliver it, or send it through campus mail. If the letter is not delivered in person, the library will delay activation until a library staff member can contact the faculty/staff member and verify the proxy authorization.
The authorization letter should contain the following information:
When checking out material for the Faculty/Staff member, the proxy user needs to inform the service desk staff that he/she wishes to use the Proxy User option. Otherwise, the item will automatically be checked out to the individual’s student or courtesy user account. The proxy user must provide some form of picture ID and be able to provide other verification information (such as address) or their personal UIN upon request.
Please note: The library does not screen materials from the general collections being checked out by minor family members based on appropriateness of content or subject matter.
The proxy authorization must be renewed annually.
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