If you see the options "Recall: 2 weeks" or "Get It: 1 Week" the book is currently checked out to someone. In a nutshell, a recall is asking for a patron to return the specific copy you want and Get it for Me allows us to ask other libraries for a copy of the item.
You are given two options to get the book:
Recall It - gives the person that currently has the book checked out a new due date 2 weeks from the day you place the recall. If that person does not bring the book back by the new due date they will accrue a $1/day fine. You will be notified when the book is ready for you to pick up.
Get it 1 Week - we will try to borrow the book from another library through Interlibrary Loan. It usually takes about 7 days to get the book. You will be notified when it is ready to pick up.
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