Retired Faculty will continue to be extended full library services including:
Remote access to electronic resources
Circulation privileges
Get It For Me/Interlibrary Loan services are available, but there is no delivery option. Electronically fulfilled requests will be posted to your GIFM account; physical requests must be picked up in person at the Evans Library.
Non-faculty retirees retain their checkout privileges, but do not have access to electronic resources or the Get It For Me/Interlibrary Loan services.
Guest logins are available for use with the Library's OAL computers (state issued photo ID required); many electronic resources can be accessed in this manner if you are able to come in to the Library. If coming into the Library is not an option, you may be able to find useful research items through our open access search portal, OAK Search. If you are a member of a participating Texas public library, you can also try the TexShare Databases.
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