In Fall 2014, the University Libraries plans to create and assign ORCID numbers for all graduate students who enrolled at Texas A&M in Summer or Fall 2014. Additionally, ORCID numbers will be created for ALL thesis and dissertation students at the Health Sciences Center.
If you fall within one of the above categories, you will be notified by email to your account when the ORCID numbers are ready to be created and assigned.
Project History
In mid-2013, a small team from the University Libraries responded to a call for proposals from ORCID for innovative integration of ORCID identifiers into university, publisher, and other scholarly systems. The ORCID organization offered mini-grants (thanks to Sloan Foundation funding) to successful applicants in support of their proposed ORCID integration. Texas A&M Libraries successfully competed for this program and secured an award in late Fall 2013.
What the Libraries has proposed to do is integrate ORCIDs into the works of our earliest career scholars -- particularly graduate students, but also post-docs as well as any interested faculty advisers of graduate students and post-docs. This target population represents just the initial phase for the Libraries' longer-range plans to integrate ORCIDs into the scholarly systems we maintain on behalf of all Texas A&M researchers. It is just a pilot project, really.
For starters we are integrating ORCIDs into the Vireo ETD submission and management system so that theses and dissertations from 2014 onward are automatically associated with the author's ORCID. This approach ensures that our newest scholars can benefit from a carefully-curated and unique scholarly identity over a lifetime career!
Eventually, ORCIDs will also be integrated into other scholarly systems such as the OAK Trust Digital Repository and others. Only Vireo is in production at this time; the other ORCID-enriched systems are in development or planning. Because this is a longer-term project with development phased in over time, the Libraries is developing an ORCID app (middleware) that will provide a single Web interface for campus researchers to request, manage, or build on their ORCID.
Please stay tuned! You are always welcome to pose questions about the ORCID Integration Project to the Libraries' Office of Scholarly Communication at
For more information see the Research Guide, ORCID and Other Researcher Identifiers.
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