Microfilm / N / 560. Our holdings of the Battalion have some missing years (NOTE: the years in parentheses are missing some issues) – Battalion. (1893-1894), (1896-1900), (1904), (1906-1907), (1916), (1919-1924), Sept. 19, 1928-June 1964, Sept.1965-Aug. 29, 1973, Sept. 3, 1974-2010. A *few* issues which were never microfilmed are available in the Cushing Library in paper copy. As of 2010, the Battalion is no longer microfilmed and some recent articles may be found in LexisNexis Academic. The Battalion was NOT published in the summer until the late 1930’s, nor is it published between semesters.
The library has copies of some other Texas newspapers online or on microfilm which may also contain stories about Texas A&M. Ask at the Reference Desk on the first floor of the Evans Library for help in using those materials.