Request Sent: your request was sent to several owning libraries and document delivery/interlibrary services staff are waiting for a response.
Awaiting Customer Contact: your requested item has arrived. Staff are preparing the item for you. Please don't come to pick up the book until you receive an email notification from us. It should be within a couple of hours.
Awaiting Post Receipt Processing: your requested item has arrived from the lending library. Staff are preparing the item for you, such as placing a book band on it.
Awaiting Copyright Clearance: your article request is waiting copyright processing to determine if any copyright fees need to be paid by the library.
Transit to PSEL/BLCC: your requested item is being transported to your home library. You will receive an email notification from your home library when it is ready for you to pick up.
Awaiting SFX Request Processing: your request was imported from the database link of which we don't have full text online, and is now ready to be searched and requested from potential libraries. From here it may be routed to various staff for processing. You will see different staff names in this status.
Awaiting Doc Del Request Searching: your request was routed to staff who will supply the item from collections at TAMU libraries.
Awaiting Conditional Processing: a potential lender has replied to your request, seeking more information. Staff is responding.
Awaiting Unfilled Processing: your request has not been filled by the lenders we have contacted so far. Staff is still working on your request.
Rapid Unfilled: your request has not been filled by the lenders we have contacted so far. Staff is still working on your request.
Unavailable in Local System: your request has not been filled by our own Medical Science Library. Staff is still working on your request.
Odyssey Document Received: your requested article was shipped by a lending library and was automatically received by the system and posted to your Get it for me account.You received an email stating that it is available for viewing.
In Electronically Delivery Processing: your article has been received electronically and will be posted to the web shortly. You will be contacted by email when it is ready.
Delivered to Web: your copy is available for viewing/printing/downloading from your Get it for me account.
Request Finished: if this is an electronic copy, it is no longer available because it has been on the web for 30 days, or you deleted it. If it is a loan, the item has been checked in and returned to the lending library.
Advanced Searching: your request could not be requested easily and needs some additional searching and examination.
In DD Stacks Searching: your request is currently being searched in the libraries' collection to be retrieved for copying or pickup.
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